SELLER: J Bar S Farms Inc.
HEAD 60 Unexposed Hfrs
BREEDS 100% Angus Sired
FEEDING PROGRAM Weaned into the J-S grow yard off short hard grass country last fall near Lamar CO. On a high roughage heifer development ration, ready for your grass and bulls.
HEALTH DETAILS Bovisheld 1, 8-Way, X 2. Ivomec. All heifers are CHV and metal tagged.
DELIVERY RANGE 04/01/22 - 04/15/22
COMMENTS Click "Zoom" at the slide show to get a closer look. At the Ponderosa, near Lamar CO. Generations of natural and human selection at work here. Their Mothers and Grandmothers had to work to earn a keep in this hard dry country. 60 blacks in this pen. $1350/hd. Call John Sutphin (719-940-3729) or Jim Austin (251-751-9376).
SALE DATE Unscheduled
REP John Sutphin 719-940-3729